Protect your clients and their assets.

With our customized insurance plans, you can rest easy knowing that your clients are in good hands. Take action now and secure the protection they deserve!

Provide your clients with the coverages they need.

Our partners work with multiple insurance companies to find you the best option at the lowest rates. We also work with great local agents to offer additional options for your Workers’ Comp needs and make your premiums much easier to budget and manage.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance protects business owners and operators from a variety claims that occur as a result of normal operations, including bodily injury, property damage, or advertising injury. This policy covers everything from hiring a lawyer to court-ordered judgments and settlements.

Industry Special Circumstances Insurance

Your business may require coverages for the risks inherent in your industry, including Malpractice, Bonds, Surety Bonds, Business Owners Policy (BOP), Commercial Package, Directors & Office (D&O), Errors & Omissions (E&O), Professional Liability, Commercial Flood, and Inland Marine.

Cyber Liability

CyberPro is a unique cyber liability solution, covering network business interruption, ecommerce trading exposures, crime and protection from media and intellectual property risks. This program is suitable for nearly all clients with independent insuring agreements.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance covers property and equipment from the risk of natural disaster, and may include items such as: computers, furniture and equipment, exterior signs, fence and landscaping, important documents, inventory and others’ property.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial vehicle insurance is a policy of physical damage and liability coverages for amounts, situations, and usage not covered by a personal auto insurance policy. This policy covers many types of automobiles, including company cars, to a wide variety of commercial trucks and vehicles.

Solutions for every industry.

We simplify the process by connecting your clients with qualified professionals to help them avoid costly HR errors, tax risks and compliance liabilities.

Employment Practice Liability Insurance.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance, or EPLI is an invaluable source of coverage for business owners in today’s changing and often litigious workplace environment. Businesses need protection from discontent employees, EEOC issues, wage & hour compliance issues and more.

Protected claims

Laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family Medical Leave Act outline standards employers have to meet. When employers break these rules, even without meaning to, they may face a lawsuit. Employment practices coverage helps businesses handle the cost of these suits and protect their business.

Wrongful Termination

Ending of an employee’s contract which results in the breaching of one or more terms of the contract of employment.

Workplace Discrimination

Unfavorable treatment due to national origin, race, ethnicity and/or disability.

Breach of Contract

One or more terms of the employment contract are broken – either by the employer or by the employee.

Sexual Harassment

Discrimination based on a person’s sex, unwanted sexual advancements or comments in the work environment.

Wrongful Discipline

Unjustified punishment due to misconduct performed by the employee.

Emotional or Mental Distress

Employer creates an event or environment which causes emotional or mental strain on the employee.

Workers’ Comp coverage made easy.

Your clients can eliminate premium financing and premium adjustments through a Pay-As-You-Go Worker’s Compensation program. Premiums are based on actual payroll and not projected annual payroll. This helps protect them from audit exposure by basing their premium on real-time payroll wages.


Premium Adjustments

Match premium payments to your clients exact employment levels for the pay period. The premium amount will adjust based on their staffing needs, ensuring that they never pay more than necessary.

Improved Cash Flow

Premiums are spread out over each payroll period and your clients premiums are based on their business needs. This improves cash flow and ensures that their expenses match their business operations.

Automated Payments

Nearly every insurance company that offers pay-as-you-go coverage can also automatically collect premiums with each payroll and debit the bank account. This is one less thing to remember and one less task to manage.

Owned and non-owned auto coverage.

Owned and non-owned auto insurance are two types of insurance policies that provide coverage for vehicles used in a business setting. Both owned and non-owned auto insurance are important for businesses that rely on vehicles to operate. By having the appropriate insurance coverage in place, businesses can protect themselves and their employees from financial losses in case of an accident or other unexpected event.

Owned Auto Insurance Coverage

This type of policy covers vehicles that are owned by the business and used for business purposes, such as delivery vehicles or company cars. This type of insurance typically includes liability coverage, collision coverage, and comprehensive coverage, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the business.

Non-Owned Auto Insurance Coverage

This type of policy covers vehicles that are not owned by the business, but are used for business purposes, such as employee-owned vehicles used for work-related tasks. This type of insurance typically provides liability coverage for the business in case an employee is involved in an accident while using their personal vehicle for work.

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